Compelling Prosticution

This topic is dated a couple weeks, but I feel it must be documented.

So I get this postcard in the mail from the Texas Department of Public Safety, "NOTICE OF HIGH-RISK SEX OFFENDER IN COMMUNITY". Well specifically, my building. It says a dude moved in that is currently on probation. His offense? Compelling prostituion. Age of Victim? 13. He pimped a 13-year old. So much wrong there. 

The next day, each of the residents gets a letter from the building management. Apparently, this guy listed an apartment in the building as his home address, even though he's never lived here. So building management was working with the Dallas Police Department, and a felony arrest warrant was put out for the dude for registering a false address.

It's also nice to know that my building's management would never have rented a place to a sex offender.

I kind of wonder what happened. Hmm. The PD's website only says "Absconded or Disappeared" under his address.

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